In this project, I created a comprehensive brand identity for a digital business card product and platform. This involved developing a distinct logo, selecting a cohesive colour palette, and designing packaging that reflected the product’s innovative nature. Through a combination of strategic thinking and creative execution, I crafted a brand identity that resonated with the target audience and effectively conveyed the product’s modern design and unique approach. I ensured that the brand identity not only captured attention but also fostered trust and credibility in the digital business card market.


For the packaging design of the UTAGG Digital Business Card, the goal was to evoke the power of networking while creating a memorable unboxing experience for users. With this objective in mind, I conceptualized a packaging design that not only showcased the sleek and innovative nature of the product but also heightened anticipation and excitement for its unveiling. Through strategic use of branding elements, engaging visuals, and attention to detail, the packaging design was crafted to leave a lasting impression and reinforce the value of UTAGG as a tool for seamless and impactful networking.

project details:

  • Brand Identity Design
  • UX/UI Design
  • Media Assets
  • Packaging Design

Key goals:

  • Create simple, bold tech-focused identity for the UTAGG brand that emphasizes the product’s function
  • Build the foundation for a digital business card platform by assessing user flow and profile design